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来源: 未知 作者: 一言难尽 时间: 2014-09-07 阅读:

 cedant arma toage (拉丁文:用长袍代替武器吧)
pastor quum traheret (拉丁文:当牧人率领羊群的时候)
mala ducie avi domum(拉丁文:你持家险象环生。)
bell,horrida bella (拉丁文):战争,可怕的战争。)
justum et tenacem propositi virum (拉丁文:一个公正而意志坚定的人)
脆弱啊,你的名字就是女人。 (基督山伯爵引用莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》的一句话)
被撒旦掳到地球的最高山上,他站在顶峰指给我看全世界,还像从前对基督那样对我说:喏,人类的孩子,你要求什么,就可以崇拜我? 于是,我思考许久,因为确实有一种巨大的野心,很久以来就吞食我的灵魂;然后我答道:听我说,我总听人谈论天主,但是我从未见过,连类似的东西都未见过,因而以为根本就没有天主。我要做天主,因为据我所知,世间最美、最伟大、最崇高的事情,莫过于扬善惩恶。 当时撒旦低下头,叹息一声,说道:你错了,天主存在,你只是看不见,因为他是上帝之子同上帝一样是看不见的。你也一点也没有见类似他的东西。那也是因为他总通过隐蔽的方式行事,总是走在暗道密经。我所能为你做的就是把你变成天主的使者。就此成交在这笔交易中,也许我要丧失灵魂,但是这又何妨,如果再有机会,我还会做这种交易。
mane,thecel,phares (巴比伦过的末日到了)

"Valentine, Valentine!" he mentally ejaculated; but his lips uttered no sound, and as though all his strength were centred in that internal emotion, he sighed and closed his eyes. Valentine rushed towards him; his lips again moved.
"He is calling you," said the count; "he to whom you have confided your destiny--he from whom death would have separated you, calls you to him. Happily, I vanquished death. Henceforth, Valentine, you will never again be separated on earth, since he has rushed into death to find you. Without me, you would both have died. May God accept my atonement in the preservation of these two existences!"
Valentine seized the count's hand, and in her irresistible impulse of joy carried it to her lips.
"Oh, thank me again!" said the count; "tell me till you are weary, that I have restored you to happiness; you do not know how much I require this assurance."
"Oh, yes, yes, I thank you with all my heart," said Valentine; "and if you doubt the sincerity of my gratitude, oh, then, ask Haidée! ask my beloved sister Haidée, who ever since our departure from France, has caused me to wait patiently for this happy day, while talking to me of you."
"You then love Haidée?" asked Monte Cristo with an emotion he in vain endeavored to dissimulate.
"Oh, yes, with all my soul."
"Well, then, listen, Valentine," said the count; "I have a favor to ask of you."
"Of me? Oh, am I happy enough for that?"
"Yes; you have called Haidée your sister,--let her become so indeed, Valentine; render her all the gratitude you fancy that you owe to me; protect her, for" (the count's voice was thick with emotion) "henceforth she will be alone in the world."
"Alone in the world!" repeated a voice behind the count, "and why?"
Monte Cristo turned around; Haidée was standing pale, motionless, looking at the count with an expression of fearful amazement.
"Because to-morrow, Haidée, you will be free; you will then assume your proper position in society, for I will not allow my destiny to overshadow yours. Daughter of a prince, I restore to you the riches and name of your father."
Haidée became pale, and lifting her transparent hands to heaven, exclaimed in a voice stifled with tears, "Then you leave me, my lord?"
"Haidée, Haidée, you are young and beautiful; forget even my name, and be happy."
"It is well," said Haidée; "your order shall be executed, my lord; I will forget even your name, and be happy." And she stepped back to retire.
"Oh, heavens," exclaimed Valentine, who was supporting the head of Morrel on her shoulder, "do you not see how pale she is? Do you not see how she suffers?"
Haidée answered with a heartrending expression, "Why should he understand this, my sister? He is my master, and I am his slave; he has the right to notice nothing."
The count shuddered at the tones of a voice which penetrated the inmost recesses of his heart; his eyes met those of the young girl and he could not bear their brilliancy. "Oh, heavens," exclaimed Monte Cristo, "can my suspicions be correct? Haidée, would it please you not to leave me?"
"I am young," gently replied Haidée; "I love the life you have made so sweet to me, and I should be sorry to die."
"You mean, then, that if I leave you, Haidée"--
"I should die; yes, my lord."
"Do you then love me?"
"Oh, Valentine, he asks if I love him. Valentine, tell him if you love Maximilian." The count felt his heart dilate and throb; he opened his arms, and Haidée, uttering a cry, sprang into them. "Oh, yes," she cried, "I do love you! I love you as one loves a father, brother, husband! I love you as my life, for you are the best, the noblest of created beings!"

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